About RCFH 

A Non-Profit Corporation Established by the Kiwanis Club of Smith River


The e tremendous floods in 1964 eradicated much of the spawning population and decimated native spawning grounds. This disaster also led to a rapid decline in the fish runs, hence the need for a hatchery to restock the Smith River and it’s tributaries, became necessary.
In 1968 the 15-member Kiwanis Club of Smith River decided to sponsor the construction and operation of a fish hatchery to increase and perpetuate the native runs of Steelhead and Chinook salmon in the Smith River. This was not an easy task, as no one individual or group had ever tried this type of undertaking. Therefore, there were absolutely no guidelines to follow.


Tolowa Dee-ni’ Nation [TDN] purchased the hatchery in 2013. Under TDN Tribal Resolution 10- 12, RCFH was established as a Tribal Organization to promote Tribal environmental stewardship; and to support and promote the historical, customary, cultural, and economic practices of the Tribe. TDN is working with funding and regulatory agencies to upgrade the fifty year-old hatchery facilities to provide volitional juvenile and adult fish passage and improve water conservation. RCFH has two integrated hatchery programs that produce Chinook and steelhead for tribal subsistence harvest, tribal and county economic development, and environmental education.

The TDN Fisheries Program has made significant progress at RCFH by improving regulatory compliance, program performance, and modernizing infrastructure. Since its acquisition the Fisheries Program has been working with the Bureau of Indian Affairs Hatchery Maintenance Program and other federal and state funding sources to develop a hatchery operations manual and recently completed two federally approved Hatchery and Genetic Management Plans (HGMP) for the facility’s Chinook salmon and steelhead production programs.

Returning Adult Steelhead

Eggs gathered & hatched

Chinook & Steelhead spawned


Additionally, TDN has worked with consultants to inventory the state of existing infrastructure at the hatchery and develop phased plans for infrastructure upgrades when funding becomes available. In fall of 2019, TDN completed implementation of the RCFH Solar Project, which received funding from the BIA and Department of Energy (DOE) to install solar panels at the facility that are expected to offset electricity costs by ~75%.

Get In Touch

(888) 123-4562


2345 Divi St
San Francisco, CA 94222




Starting May 21, 2024 the RCFH will be CLOSED to the public for safety during project implementation. When the project is complete we will announce our opening to the public. We appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding during this time.

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