steelhead derby

Dear Fishing Friends
Please check back soon for information about the 2025 Steelhead Derby
About the Derby

Years Ago
Hank & Chopper Westbrook founded the first Cal-Or Fishing Derby to raise funds for the enhancement of fisheries and streams within our area to that future generations would be able to enjoy clean rivers, great fishing and beautiful scenery for years to come.

Derby Teams
The Derbies consisits of teams made up of four men and two guides. These teams are then divided up into an A team and a B team. On Friday the two man one guide A team will fish Oregons’s Chetco River, while the B team fishes on the Smith River. On Saturday, the teams switch to fish the opposite river.

Ready to Fish?
Please do not hesitate to call for more information or assistance. Kimberlee, Derby Coordinator (707) 218-7049.
Get In Touch
(707) 487-2133
255 N. Fred Haight Dr.
Smith River, CA 95567-0328